Project work since 1996

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Period Project
01/1996 - 08/1999 Development of a round wood purchase and management system for saw mills
Client Software company
Assignment Analysis, design, implementation of the complete solution

Team leader

Team size 3 collaborators
Platform Windows NT
Development tools MS Visual Studio, Powerdesigner Data Architect, MS-Visual SourceSafe, Combit List & Label 6.0
Database/data pool MS-SQL Server 6.5
Programming languages Visual Basic, Visual C++, Transact-SQL
05/1999 - 10/2002 Collaboration in the development of a solution for the administration and management of law-firms
Client Consulting company
Assignment Analysis, design, implementation of the MS-Office integration

Automation and integration of pay orders creations

Team size approx. 12 people
Platform Windows 95/98/NT/2000
Development tools MS Visual Studio, PVCS, MS-Office (97, 2000, XP)
Database/data pool Sybase SQL Anywhere
Programming languages Visual Basic, VBA, Visual C++, Transact-SQL
08/1999 - 10/1999 Reorganisation of a round wood purchase and management system for requirements of the Y2K compatibility
Client Software company
Assignment Implementation and test
Team size Unescorted project
Platform MS-DOS
Development tools MS-Visual SourceSafe
Database/data pool xBase
Programming languages Clipper 5.x
08/1999 - present Development of solutions for round wood purchase and management systems
Client Wood processing company group
Assignment Extension of the existing client server solution by additional modules

Accommodation according to legal changes

Integration of new acquiered subsidiaries

Team size Unescorted project
Platform Windows NT/2000/XP, MS-IIS
Development tools MS-Visual InterDev, MS-Visual Studio, MS-Visual Studio.NET, MS-Visual SourceSafe, Combit List & Label 8.0
Database/data pool MS-SQL Server 2000
Programming languages Visual Basic 6.0, Transact-SQL, C#, VB.NET, ASP, ASP.NET
08/2000 - 05/2001 Creation of a Web based supplier information system
Client Wood processing company group
Assignment Analysis, design, implementation of the solution
Team size Collaboration with another freelancer
Platform Windows NT/2000, MS-IIS
Development tools MS-Visual InterDev, MS-Visual SourceSafe
Database/data pool MS-SQL Server 2000
Programming languages ASP, HTML, Visual Basic 6.0, VB-Script, Java-Script, Transact-SQL
06/2001 - 08/2001 Accommodation of a software for round wood purchase and management concerning the Euro changeover
Client Software company
Assignment Implementation and test
Team size Unescorted project
Platform MS-DOS
Development tools MS-Visual SourceSafe
Database/data pool xBase
Programming languages Clipper 5.x
09/2001 - 09/2002 Development of an individual software for round wood purchase and management 
Client Wood processing company group
Assignment Analysis, design, implementation of the solution
Team size Unescorted project
Platform Windows NT/2000
Development tools MS Visual Studio, Powerdesigner Data Architect, MS-Visual SourceSafe, Combit List & Label 8.0
Database/data pool MS-SQL Server 7.0/2000
Programming languages Visual Basic, Visual C++, Transact-SQL
10/2003 - 02/2004 Connect a round wood purchase and management system to the GIS "Geomail"
Client Wood processing company group
Assignment Design, implementation of the solution
Team size Unescorted project (co-operation with "GeoMail" developer)
Platform Windows NT/2000/XP
Development tools MS Visual Studio
Database/data pool MS-SQL Server 2000
Programming languages Visual Basic,  Transact-SQL
01/2004 - 09/2004 Development of a Data Warehouse solution
Client Wood processing company group
Assignment Data Warehouse design

Concept creation regarding the integration of diverse locations/subsidiaries

Team size Unescorted project (co-operation with various BI "suppliers")
Platform Windows 2000
Development tools MS Visual Studio, MS-Visio Enterprise, MS-Visual SourceSafe, MS Analysis Services, MS-OLAP, MS-Reporting-Services
Database/data pool MS-SQL Server 2000
Programming languages Transact-SQL
10/2004 - 01/2005 Development of a configuration software for central fire alarm systems
Client Safety engineering company
Assignment Design and implementation of the software
Team size Unescorted project
Platform Windows 2000/XP
Development tools MS Visual Studio .NET 2003, MS-Visual SourceSafe
Database/data pool File
Programming languages C#, VB.NET
01/2006 - 02/2006 Development of training material for MS-SQL Server 2005
Client Unilog Integrata Training AG
Assignment Developing of the text book (about 250 pages) and the Powerpoint presentation for:
 - Administration
 - Developing with TSQL
 - CLR Integration
 - Service Broker
 - Notification Services
 - Integration Services
 - Reporting Services
 - Analysis Services
Team size Unescorted project
Platform Windows 2000/XP
Development tools MS-SQL Server 2005, MS Visual Studio .NET 2005
Database/data pool SQL Server 2005
Programming languages TSQL, C#
Since 03/2006 Coach for selected topics of Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005
Client Unilog Integrata Training AG
Assignment Conducting seminars for topics like:
 - Migrating from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005
 - SQL Server 2000 Administration
 - SQL Server Reporting Services
 - SQL Server 2005 Administration/Optimization
 - SQL Server 2005 Database Development
 - SQL Server 2005 Query Optimization
04/2006 - 08/2006 Development of a software for truck trading
Client AW Trucks GmbH & Co. KG
Assignment Requirements-analysis, design and implementation of the software
Team size Unescorted project
Platform Windows 2000/XP
Development tools MS Visual Studio .NET 2005, MS-Visual SourceSafe
Database/data pool MySql 5.0
Programming languages C#, SQL
Since 03/2007 Database- and Report- Development
Client Reinsurance Group
Assignment  - Database Design
 - Development of Stored Procedures, Views and Queries
 - Implementation of Interfaces for Data Import
 - SQL Server Administration
 - Report-  Design and -Development
Team size 8-10
Platform Windows 2003 Server,  SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Development tools MS Visual Studio Team System, SQL Server 2005 Development Tools
Database/data pool Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Programming languages C#, T-SQL, VB/VBA
Since 02/2008 SQL Server Administration and -Tuning 
Client Software Company
Assignment  - SQL Server Tuning
 - Implementing an index optimization strategy
 - Configuring perodical maintenance tasks
 - Establishing a hot backup strategy through database mirroring
 - Track down and optimize critical queries and processes
Team size 25
Platform Windows 2008 Server,  SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008
Development tools MS Visual Studio Team System, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008
Database/data pool SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008
Programming languages C#, T-SQL
Since 12/2008 Data Warehouse Architekt 
Client Retailer (clothing)
Assignment  - Data modeling (relational & dimensional)
 - Design and implement ETL processes
 - Documentation (data warehouse meta data)
 - SQL Server Tuning
Team size 5-8
Platform Windows 2003 Server,  SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, Analysis Services & Integration Services
Development tools MS Visual Studio 2008
Database/data pool SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, MS Analysis Services
Programming languages C#, T-SQL


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